Traditional Leadership Development is Broken

Improve Leadership Skills and Maximize Team Performance in Your Organization

With Our Proven and Revolutionary Leadership Mastery Program

Transform Your Leadership and Unlock Your Team's Potential

... in Only 30 Minutes a Week

Leadership training that actually improves leader and team performance in real time

In-depth learning without taking leaders offline or away from their teams for weeks or months at a time

Improved higher-level soft skills like critical reflection and empathy

A more people-centric, collaborative, and learning culture/ organization

A customized, done-for-you leadership development program for your entire organization, based on your culture and values and critical leadership needs

How Does it Work?

52 Weekly Modules

Learning delivered and available on the computer or through our custom app on your phone.

Monthly Group Coaching Calls

Live video (virtual) calls open only to the participants of that specific cohort.

Quarterly Assessments

Self-assessments and self-created performance indicators to measure transformation.

Annual Leader Summit

A virtual summit for all participants to share, network, and tie the learning together.

... All for a Fraction of the Cost of Typical Leadership Training

Click the "Notify Me" button below to get notified when the enrollment period for the next cohort opens up.


Click the "Book a Call" button to talk to Mary directly about individual or customized organization-specific training needs.

*** What Our Students Are Saying ***

My big AHA moment came from Mary’s idea of the ‘big domino’. There are always many problems to solve, but if you can find that one big domino to focus on, then many smaller dominoes will fall into place. I’m always trying to solve too many problems at the same time. This is not efficient. The past few weeks have helped me to centralize many of my issues around an updated leadership vision, where I now understand that my role as the leader is to enable work, not to do work. This requires an investment in myself to ensure I have what it takes, as well as an investment in the team members to enable them and rally them around the vision to achieve results.

I am finding that I learn at least one thing every week. Sometimes it’s related to a skill I need to develop or a perspective I hadn’t thought of previously and other times, it’s a reinforcement that I am doing the right thing (also a learning experience).

I want to thank you for all our interactions. I very much appreciate our discussions and your emails that prompt me to reflect. Looking back, you’ve taught me some very good lessons and reinforced some of the concepts I’ve been toying with in my head for years.

As someone with strong introvert tendencies, I am not naturally at ease when it comes to congratulatory speeches or “rally the troops” moments so I sought assistance on this one. Mary reminded me that there is no “one size fits all” method for this communication and that it could and should be authentic and tailored to the person receiving it. Not only did this provide me with the perspective and reassurance that I needed, it also got me thinking about the many types of recognition available from public presentations to personalized emails that had been used by senior leadership over the past several months, leading by an example that I had not previously noticed.

I do get value out of these small learning moments. They almost seem to come in real time when I second guess myself and are good reminders that what you are doing is right.

I am starting to see how, week-by-week you are leading us to connecting concepts together and really appreciate that although this journey has been guided by you, it feels like my own.

Wow, there was a lot of information in this week’s lesson, and all of it so relevant to the current work environment. There are instructions and lessons in here that I wish I had had in my tool kit a year ago. However, this just means that I can reflect and see how I could have done better and will do so in the future.

I thoroughly enjoy this training opportunity as it is forcing me to reflect on what I am doing, well or otherwise.

Evolve Your Performance, LLC

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